Why did you become a mentee?
I felt a bit stuck in my career and wanted a fresh perspective, so I started talking to people who had successfully grown in their roles. My friend Francois encouraged me to find a mentor, which led me to Janina!
I wanted insights on career progression from other leaders, especially for an upcoming promotion. But mentoring can also be less formal, like getting advice from a previous lead, which is super valuable for growth.
I needed guidance on advancing my career after multiple parental leaves, and was also looking at ways of improving my communication with my lead and product manager.
What are the benefits of mentoring?
It's really helpful to get advice on how to grow and make a bigger impact. It's like having a whole book of options but not knowing where to start! Mentoring helps you navigate those choices and learn from others' experiences. Plus, it's great for expanding your network!
It helps you define your goals and priorities. A good mentor will ask tough questions that make you really think! It's also a chance to broaden your network and learn how things work in other parts of the company. Plus, it can make you a better mentor yourself!
Mentors offer inspiration by showing what's possible, provide guidance on topics beyond the workplace, and offer fresh perspectives on challenges.
How can you get the most out of mentoring?
Definitely set a clear goal! Otherwise, it might feel like a therapy session (which isn't bad, but maybe not what you need). Janina asked me right away what I wanted, and for me, it was strategizing my promotion.
Be prepared and open to challenging questions. Don't be afraid to ask about your mentor's experiences. Remember that sometimes the impact of a session takes time to sink in.
Prepare for the first meeting by identifying your goals and your mentor's relevant experience. Follow through on suggestions between meetings, and be proactive in the process.
How do you build rapport with your mentor?
We rarely canceled our meetings, and we were always open and honest with each other. It also helped that we connected on a personal level – we both love running!
My mentor created a safe space for open conversation from the start. Honesty, active listening, and being prepared for each session are key.
Regular check-ins and honest conversations are key for building a strong relationship. Also giving specific examples of my situation made it easier for my mentor to offer relevant advice.
What’s your advice for mentors and mentees?
Always be learning from others! As a mentee, be clear about your goals and give your mentor all the info they need. And mentors, make sure you're the right person to help your mentee reach their goals.
Just go for it! Ask around if you need help finding a mentor. It's a no-risk way to learn and grow.
Ensure a good match between the mentee's needs and the mentor's experience. Don't feel obligated to meet if there's nothing specific to discuss; prioritize quality over quantity.
As a mentee, keep an open mind while clearly defining your goals and your roadblocks. Take a proactive approach in the mentoring relationship, be open to your mentor’s feedback and ready to act on their advice. A strong relationship is built on trust, open communication, and mutual respect. Whether you’re seeking career guidance, networking opportunities, or personal development, mentoring is a valuable resource and an even more valuable investment in your growth.